Funkcija i vrsta printera
Multifunction laser printer
Štampa Mono
Rezolucija štampe 1200x1200 dpi
Duplex štampa Automatic
Najveća brzina štampe (str/min) Up to 45 ppm
Duplex print speed: 22.5 ppm 
Maksimalni mesečni obim štampe 150,000 pages
Specifikacija skenera
Functionality: Scan-to-Email, Scan-to-FTP, Scan-to-SMB, Scan to
USB Host, Network TWAIN, WIA, WSD scan, Chrome OS (Scan),
AirPrint, Mopria.
Scan speed Simplex: 60 ipm (300 dpi, A4, b/w);
40 ipm (300 dpi, A4 colour)
Scan speed Duplex: 26 ipm (300dpi, A4, b/w);
17 ipm (300 dpi, A4, colour)
Scan resolution: 600, 400, 300, 200 dpi; 256 greyscales per colour
Max. scan size: A4, Legal, Banner paper (max 915mm).
Original recognition: Text, photo, text + photo, light text
File types: TIFF/JPEG, XPS, Open XPS, PDF, PDF/A, PDF/A1a/b, PDF/A-2a/b/u, Encrypted PDF, High compression PDF.
Compression method: MMR/JPEG
Features: Banner Scan, Colour scan, integrated address book,
Active Directory support, encrypted data transfer, multi send
(e-mail, fax, SMB/FTP folder, print) at once, Blank page skip.
Specifikacija kopira
Max. original size: A4/Legal.
Continuous copying: 1–999.
Zoom range: 25–400% in 1% steps.
Preset magnification ratios: 7 Reductions / 5 Enlargements.
Image adjustments: Text + Photo, Photo, Text, Chart/Map,
Printed document.
Features: Electronic sort (collate), ID card copy, 2in1, 4in1, auto
cassette change, Skip blank page, Skip Line.
Specifikacija faxa
Compatibility: Super G3.
Modern speed: Max. 33.6 kbps.
Transmission speed: Max. 3 seconds (JBIG).
Scanning speed: 2.0 seconds or less.
Address book: 200 entries
Scanning density:
Normal: 8 dot/mm x 3.85 line/mm (200 x 100 dpi)
Fine: 8 dot/mm x 7.7 line/mm (200 x 200 dpi)
Superfine: 8 dot/mm x 15.4 line/mm (200 x 400 dpi)
Ultrafine: 16 dot/mm x 15.4 line/mm (400 x 400 dpi)
Halftone: 256 grey scales
Maximum original size: A4/Legal, Banner (max 915mm)
Compression method: JBIG, MMR, MR, MH.
Povezivost USB,LAN
Potrošni materijal TK-3400

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  • Brand: KYOCERA
  • Model: 0632983080160
  • Dostupnost: Na lageru
  • 89.770 Din